“Un Sancochito Cae bien!” The above expression translates to “a little Sancocho does a body good” and if you’re around Dominicans, you will hear it frequently when it’s time to treat ourselves with a festive meal. You’ll also learn that when Dominicans refer to something in

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We asked 10 Dominicans on a random weekday in the Dominican Republic “what did you have for lunch today” and all 10 replied “La Bandera… arroz, habichuela y carne”. Ok, the truth is that the preceding survey never took place (sorry, just added for dramatic effect),

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Man…That is Good!… This was the reaction of an American soldier when he tried the popular Dominican mashed plantain dish for the first time in the US-occupied Dominican Republic (between 1916 and 1924) and from that point on the expression “Man, (that is) Good!” was uttered

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